Monday 30 April 2012

                                               My aim of doing BJMC                  

Today I farina Khan is pursuing BJMC just because of the following reasons. It is the best career option because of the some following reasons.
Mass communication research includes media institutions and processes such as diffusion of information, and media effects such as persuasion or manipulation of public opinion. In the United States, for instance, several university departments were remodeled into schools or colleges of mass communication or "journalism and mass communication".
In addition to studying practical skills of journalism, public relations or advertising, they offer programs on "mass communication" or "mass communication research." The latter is often the title given to doctoral studies in such schools, whether the focus of the student's research is journalism practice, history, law or media effects. Departmental structures within such colleges may separate research and instruction in professional or technical aspects of mass communication.

With the increased role of the Internet in delivering news and information, mass communication studies and media organizations tend to focus on the convergence of publishing, broadcasting and digital communication. The academic mass communication discipline historically differs from media studies and communication studies programs with roots in departments of theatre, film or speech, and with more interest in "qualitative", interpretive theory, critical or cultural approaches to communication study. In contrast, many mass communication programs historically lean toward empirical analysis and quantitative research — from statistical content analysis of media messages to survey research, public opinion polling, and experimental research.
Although national standards for the study of interactive media have been present in the United Kingdom since the mid-nineties, course work in these areas tends to vary significantly from university to university. Graduates of Mass Communication programs work in a variety of fields in traditional news media and publishing, advertising, public relations and research institutes. Such programs are accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.[1]
The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication[2] is the major membership organization for academics in the field, offering regional and national conferences and refereed publications. The International Communication Association[3] and National Communication Association (formerly the Speech Communication Association) include divisions and publications that overlap with those of AEJMC, but AEJMC historically has stronger ties to the mass communication professions in the United States.

The Indian education system in 21st century is a basket full of professional courses and Media is one of those specialized courses popularly growing in India. The canvas of the mass communication course is larger enough to accommodate one's imgination into it. Media is one of the most booming sectors which is expected to reach USD 1.8 trillion by 2015 globally and Asian countries are expected to contribute greatly into it. 

The size of Indian media and entertainment industry in 2006 was recorded approx Rs 43,700 crore. According to a recent report given by FICCI, the industry is projected to grow at an annual rate of 19 per cent and cross the estimated size of Rs 83, 740 crore of industry by 2010. The faster growth and wider scope in the industry is the reason behind growing immense popularity of mass communication courses in India. Students willing to make career in media or entertainment industry should look out to join mass communication courses they are suitable for. The sector has truly stored immense potential in it. 

Mass communication is an area ofstudy that is institutionalized in various names like communication studies, communication science, communication arts, media studies, speech communication, media ecology or mass communication at various universities of many countries including India. This type of study deals with the process of communication that encompasses a broad range of contexts ranging from newspapers, journals, magazines, television or radio broadcasting to face to face converstation. Mass communication is a discipline that tells us about the way information interpreted by the audience and how do they take political, social, economic and cultural view in their context. 

Mass communication is often recognized as a backbone of our society. It is believed and said that it would be hard to construct a modern society without its active involvement. These days a number ofprivate and government institutes offering mass communication courses to the young aspirations and help them to make their career in any of the media fields like journalism, advertising, radio, public relations etc. Some of the renowned universities and colleges in India that offer courses in Mass Communication are Indian Instiute of Mass COmmunication, New Delhi, Delhi University, Symbiosis Pune, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, Chitkara School of Mass Communication, Editworks School of Mass Communication, Noida, etc. 

Mass communication course opens much scope for a mass comm student who can make a bright career in any of the sectors such as advertising, films, newspapers, magazines

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